Processing, Extraction, Packaging, Marketing and Sale of Farmers Producer

Our company Himalayan Essential Oils Producer Company Limited provides processing, essential oil extraction, packaging, marketing and sale services to farmers by establishing processing facilities and offering them access to these facilities.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how we provide these services to farmers:

  1. Needs Assessment:

    • HEOPCL identify the essential oil crops that farmers are interested in cultivating and determine the volume of raw material they can supply.

  2. Facility Setup:

    • Our Company establish an essential oil extraction facility with the necessary equipment and infrastructure. This may include distillation units, steam generators, drying facilities, and storage tanks.

  3. Training and Capacity Building:

    • HEOPCL provide training and capacity-building programs for farmers on proper harvesting techniques, post-harvest handling, and quality standards to ensure the supply of high-quality raw materials.

  4. Quality Assurance:

    • Set quality standards and guidelines for the raw materials to be accepted for processing. Farmers should be educated on these standards.

  5. Raw Material Collection:

    • HEOPCL arrange for the collection of raw materials from farmers' fields or designated collection points. Ensure proper transportation and handling to prevent damage or deterioration.

  6. Processing Schedule:

    • We establish a processing schedule that considers the availability of raw materials and optimal processing times to maintain the quality of the crops.

  7. Extraction Process:

    • HEOPCL conduct the essential oil extraction process using the appropriate extraction method (e.g., steam distillation, cold pressing, solvent extraction) based on the type of essential oil being produced.

  8. Quality Control:

    • Implement strict quality control measures during the extraction process to ensure the final product meets industry standards for purity and potency.

  9. Packaging and Labeling:

    • Package the extracted essential oils in appropriate containers and label them with necessary information, including batch numbers, production dates, and usage instructions.

  10. Testing and Certification:

    • HEOPCL test the final product for quality and purity. Then we obtain necessary certifications quality certifications from CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine.

  11. Return of Byproducts:

    • We return any byproducts or residual materials to farmers if they have value for other agricultural or industrial purposes (e.g., flowers waste, hydrosol etc.)

  12. Marketing and Sales:

    • We assist farmers in marketing and selling their essential oils. This involve creating market linkages, participating in trade fairs, or establishing partnerships with buyers.

  13. Fair Compensation:

    • We always ensure farmers receive fair compensation for their raw materials, taking into account market prices and production costs.

  14. Record Keeping:

    • WE maintain detailed records of the extraction process, quantities processed, quality tests, and payments to farmers.

  15. Feedback Loop:

    • We establish a feedback loop with farmers to continually improve the quality of raw materials and the efficiency of the extraction process.

  16. Environmental Considerations:

    • HEOPCL always implement environmentally responsible practices in the extraction process, such as waste management and energy efficiency.

  17. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

    • HEOPCL ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements related to essential oil production and processing are met.

  18. Community Engagement:

    • We are Engage with the farming community to address any concerns, provide updates, and involve them in decision-making related to essential oil production.

By following these steps, we effectively provide processing, extraction, packaging, marketing and sale services to farmers, creating a mutually beneficial relationship that supports both the company's production goals and the farmers' income generation opportunities.